Osteopathy can be useful when performed by competent professionals. But on what criteria should an osteopath, and can you tell the "good" and "bad"? 10 landmarks.
1. That treats the osteopath.
The osteopath's mission is to identify functional problems and address them by manual techniques. It can include musculoskeletal disorders (back pain or joint pain, for example) or related to the circulatory or digestive. And pain can be acute (due to a shock in particular) or chronic (caused by poor posture). The osteopath must refer you to a doctor when symptoms exceed its remit, persist or worsen.
2. What an osteopath does not treat.
In any case, the osteopath can cure serious diseases like cancer. By cons, it can intervene, sometimes in conjunction with a treatment to relieve disorders related to the disease, but only after consulting the doctor. Beware of charlatans who promise wonders, including remote care of you. An osteopath has nothing to do with a healer, a hypnotist or a healer.
3. A good osteopath performed a comprehensive assessment at presentation.
The osteopath has a comprehensive approach. Therefore, the first consultation is devoted to a "complete overhaul". It begins with a detailed questionnaire on medical history (illnesses, operations, treatments ...), professional activity and recreation. Feel free to bring your medical records and your radios if you have had surgery or have suffered an accident recently. It will help ensure that osteopathy is not cons-indicated in your case.
Second highlight: the inspection. The osteopath does not make you lie down right away. He first observes how you stand, you lean forward ... Hence the need to be in your underwear so he could see how the body behaves (vertebrae, muscles, joints ...).
Then there is mobility tests from head to feet, to identify possible bottlenecks and points that, whatever the reason for consultation.
At the end of the first consultation, and over the following, make any adjustments necessitated by the problems identified. Always gently, without forcing or causing any pain, although some joints may sometimes "crack".
4. Osteopathic consultation lasts at least 30 minutes.
Another essential criterion: the time spent, even though this gives no guarantee as to the quality of care. The osteopath must devote at least half an hour per visit.
5. The office of the osteopath must be well maintained.
Also pledge of seriousness, the osteopath's office should be clean and not at the premises of a substandard back room. The table on which the patient lies down must also meet the standards of hygiene. And if an assistant, his office should not be in the same room, for the privacy.
6. First results from the second or third consultation.
Signs of improvement in mobility usually appear after two or three consultations, sometimes at the end of the first. That does not mean that pain, she disappears immediately. It is often not necessary to pursue the osteopathic adjustments beyond three consultations. So if a suspicious Osteopath multiplies consultations without explanation. And especially if it does not comply with an interval of about three weeks between each required to let the body rest. Moreover, in general, it tells you the movements to be avoided in the following days, not to interfere with the work performed.
7. An osteopath can use this title without qualification or authorization.
To use as an osteopath must hold a specific degree awarded by an institution recognized by the Ministry of Health or have obtained permission to practice.
There are several profiles of practitioners. Some are only osteopaths and have followed this course or are former doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives ... Still others continue to perform their two specialties concurrently.
8. The average cost of a consultation between 40 and 80 euros.
Fees osteopaths are completely free. Nevertheless, on average, one session costs between 40 and 80 euros. To avoid surprises, be sure to ask before making an appointment. Moreover, the consumer law requires practitioners to post their prices.
Osteopathy is not reimbursed by health insurance.
9. To be reimbursed by your insurance, your osteopath must be approved.
Many complementary health support based on the coverage purchased, the sessions of osteopathy (in part or in whole), and on presentation of proof (invoice or fee note). This should indicate the No. Adeli practitioner which certifies his approval. For licensed professionals, contact the Regional Health Agency of your area that maintains a list at your disposal.
10. Beware of directories osteopaths circulating on the internet.
There are many directories on the Net osteopaths who often offer little assurance about the quality of practitioners. Several unions or associations osteopaths also give coordinates on their site, some of which provide require a high level of education in order to be included.
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